May 151 min read
Naturally Curious
Hello, and welcome.
My name is Sowinta Kay, and I go by Winta. I started Perseverance with a few goals in mind: to share and store resources that I find helpful for me (and you, hopefully) to keep going during hard times, to remind us all that we are stronger than whatever we are facing, and that we can seek help from others because we don't need to do all these alone. Really! We all are strong, and we can still ask for help. :D
Feel free to click around to see what I have here. I am interested in mental health care (+mindfulness), self-care and self-development, and career navigation. Moreover, I will share my thoughts on books that I read, as I started reading not long ago, and I want to record what I think of the book. The same goes for the movies' and shows' reviews. I also started the "What just happened!" series to note down things that happened to me that made me go "What just happened?"; thus the title. You know, life gets pretty weird sometimes. Or maybe it's just my life.
I hope you find this blog helpful for you to get through your own unique and special life journey. I always love learning more, so please feel free to contact me through my contact info listed in the "About" section if you have anything to share.
Thank you and please take care. You matter, and I am with you.
Much love to you.