[The text below was from 2019/2020. I hope the pandemic is going away in your region as well.]
I am paranoid and scared and pray that this pandemic will come to an end soon every day. The death number is very tragic, and I can't believe that there are still many people out there who think this is a hoax. All I can do is protect myself, wash my hands, and practice other suggested actions correctly as advised by the CDC and other experts in the field, keep checking in with my family and loved ones, in addition to keeping myself updated about the virus and news from experts to make sure I know where the research and the cases situation are at. There are also many bad news resources out there, and I hope you all ensure that the resources are trustable first, before consuming them.
I hope we all try our best to stay healthy until the scientists find a vaccine so that we don't overcrowd the hospital so that each patient can get the care they need to feel better quickly, and especially so that everyone at the hospital doesn't overwork as well. This will take time. We all need to be patient and do our part to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and others.
Below are some links/resources I find helpful and interesting. I hope you learn something from them as well.
Johns Hopkins Medicine - Coronavirus at a Glance: Infographic
NPR - The mystery of where omicron came from — and why it matters
Here are additional articles that are related to COVID-19:
Covid hasn’t given up all its secrets. Here are 6 mysteries experts hope to unravel
Gender Data Series: Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on women and girls
Mental Resilience Can Help You Through the Coronavirus Pandemic; Here’s How to Build It.
Overwhelmed by COVID information? 6 tips to help you know what and whom to trust​
The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them: This is a blog from a Comparative Immunologist and Professor of Biology (specializing in Immunology) at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Professor Erin Bromage. I found this article pretty useful when it comes to the details of how COVID-19 could spread, and I want to acknowledge that I do not have any connections with the Professor or know his history.
Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response
What you need to buy if you have to get on a plane right now
And in case you got laid off (like me) or furloughed because of Covid-19, here are some resources I browsed occasionally to help with job searching. This might be U.S.-based because I'm currently here in Minnesota, but I hope you find something useful from these as well:​​