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Women Empowerment


One of my missions in life is to contribute or be part of a workgroup/institution whose mission is to contribute to closing the gender gap in society and in our lives. Growing up, I have met many strong women and girls and I look up to many of them for inspiration to stand strong and keep fighting. I'm so grateful for them.


Because of the traditional practice/beliefs and societal norms from many years ago, there are still some barriers that limit the potential of pursuing what we, women and girls, want in our lives as if we need people's permission to live OUR lives. 


I hope one day I will be able to make changes on a big scale, but for now, I can start from myself, and be of supports to other women and girls in my life, and I hope you are interested in joining me doing that as well. 


Below are some links that I browse when I want to learn more from others about this topic:


And here are some articles I save for future research/read:

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